Monday 17 November 2008

La révolution de Copernicus

A re-centering of the human being the thinking animal. An explanation is always sought, this is our life's greatest and most wasteful endeavour. Years of backward turning thinking yearning, now you realise your life has not been lived, not yet, not now.

First the man who put the sun in the middle; he did not lie and we wept in awe. The fiery ball was there in the centre,
the all encompassing light. and we fought darkness.

Then a quieter man walking in his garden I can see the fuzz the mist around him or is it around my eyes because he can see clearly now, always

he perched the glasses firmly on my nose I saw the lines the strings my eyes are the puppet master my brain grey mass my rationality that I held before my forehead like my sun, it was the grand master the puppet puller puppeteer I do believe

and now this spun candy turning insides to mulch disbelief and goosepimples at faith acceptance desire blank want but most of all

this grey cube around my ears: here I am, centre of my universe, and I am alone, I can not see you now, my eyes don't see clearly at all

but you have recentred me now I do not know where I shall fall

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