Friday 12 December 2008

this loving you

is burnt into me.

a surfacing like seaweed wrapping around my lungs
my face grimaces in granular slow motion heart sinks
et voila
! I'm sixteen again
and going green at the thought of this insidious like crawling up your nostrils.
this thought of you disappearing is dizzying

this loving you is sickly green and crawly

purple like the curtain fluttering behind your head of curls, like the edges of the sky curling into night darkness

this loving you is carried over from another world
its watching a red meter ticking away seconds pulses words im contorting to catch to spin into my hair to hold under my nose when I'm cold and alone

its climbing thinking listening being a receptacle
for you-thoughts

its burnt into my ankle, its here and cannot leave.

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