Sunday 26 April 2009

the pattern for a love poem

would it work if you  think i think

you smell like a rainy day
 cleopatra even, sometimes 
that you think like you're thinking, eat 
just the right amounts 
could say anything I wanted to hear say everything I want to hear

that i roll on my tongue the dark silence you throw at me
with all the false bravado of a corned dog 

if i ask would you give me 
the light hairs on your arm
the layer of fat you wear around your middle 
the back of your knee ever so lightly layered with prickly hair

your thin shoulders shrugging off my stupefying calm

I stagger around the right spaces you fill
lick from the floor the munch you use to turn your brain to mulch
the steam spiraling out from behind  your ears
your bony ankles your lucid days, few and far in between
the meaningless snigger you let hover in the air between us
knocking too and fro between us
your lack of interest, the coldness. 

you believe in your karma don't you? your stars and your preordained destiny
i pin you like a fly to this pattern.

i watch in every single way 
the things you let me think you say

you touch my wrist
i quiver, flinch.

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