Wednesday 30 June 2010


What about this is nauseating?

The extended sighs in between sentences curled lip and contrived word placement the discomfiting secretive grin the eye rolling and quivering lip you are throttling and you are choking because you are like a lungful of mercury flooding through me, gushing into my veins and thoughts. You remind me of another smell I could no longer bear to be around. Even now if I happen to share space with this I must hold my breath -- as inconspicuously as I can-- to keep the bile rising through my throat. Because we must be civil mustn't we.

No I want nothing to do with you or the ghosts that you battle with thank you very much. All in all it's like I walked into a shop with yellow clothes and a big SALE sign on the door and its obviously much less than the life I thought I could have had at bargain prices at that.

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