Monday 2 March 2015

stranger than paradise

mein freund
it’s easier to leave than claw your way back

your morning faces on the train
stumble dad you’re 6 feet tall

the dust rising through the ends of my fingers
what grows through you? rises through to the roof

faces perhaps
but really, more internal irrelevant
churnings. eyes closed, walk through

you collide with
ka-os, and
his estonian robotmaker

hi i’m bengali i’m german
i’m black and white and still i can’t see you

where is my war? we pull up to a cop station
a gas station
a petrol pump

we pull up stoned looking for ice cream
for chunks of chocolate spoons hidden in cups
ridged ends of spoons for my fat asian hands

we pull up, shiver
potbelly quivers
eyes narrow, eyes meet
alarmbells ring: you square your hips and shoulders, walk towards me i keep the car running

strangers rape in stranger’s cars and strangest of all
the paradise that you and i are here

my rape has happened: we were born to it
little girls on laps wet kisses in oily corridors
tears rise screams between my ears
ma, help
this mans fingers are running down the line the separates my buttocks
his arm has an iron rod, i wonder if that’s what makes him broken inside thats what makes
his touch so hideous

my rape happened, where were you?
trapped in elevators
while on escalators
a woman squats to pee
it trickles down towards me, waiting
for a bus in the night

waiting for groups of men
waiting for groups of boys


no i will not go softly
into the night
i will stay here, eyes shutting in sleep
i will stay here to watch
the exact way your fingers curl towards your crotch
flicking from left to right
your testicles
i will stay here and stare you down blood rising

From forgotten meetings, May 17th.

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